French Phrases: How to write a letter or e-mail in French: closing formulae

Following on in our look at how to write a letter in French, here is some vocabulary useful in writing a business letter or e-mail.

Pièces jointes / P.J.-Enclosed / Encl
Nous vous remercions de...-Thank you for...
...votre commande-...your order
...votre lettre du 10 janvier-...your letter of 10 January
...trouver ci-joint-...find enclosed/attached
...nous faire parvenir-...send us
...nous excuser de-...accept our apologies for
Suite à notre conversation-Following our conversation
Suite à votre annonce dans...-Following your advertisement in...
Nous vous serions reconnaissants de nous faire parvenir...-We would be grateful if you could send us...
N'hésitez pas à me/nous contacter...-Do not hesitate to contact me/us...
...le cas échéant-...if need be vous avez besoin de...-...if you need... amples renseignements-...further information
Dans l'attente de votre réponse-I/we look forward to hearing from you
"Dans l'attente"-"look forward to hearing" (shortened form sometimes used in semi-informal correspondence)
Feedback Suggest a change / proposez une modification

See also

See the section on letter closures for more information on formal and informal ways of signing off a letter in French.

You may also be interested in:

 types of business in French
 French business glossary

Page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2014. All rights reserved.