French Phrases: Clothing terms in French

Basic clothing terms in French

These are rather generic names of clothes in French.

des vêtementsde vɛtmɑ̃clothes
un pantalonæ̃ pɑ̃talõa pair of trousers
un jeanæ̃ dʒina pair of jeans
un shortæ̃ ʃoʁta pair of shorts
une chemiseyn ʃmiza shirt
un hautæ̃ oa top
un pullæ̃ pyla jumper, pullover
un sweatæ̃ swita sweater
un tee-shirt1æ̃ tiʃœʁta T-shirt
une jupeyn ʒypa skirt
une robeyn ʁɔba dress
un survêtementæ̃ syʁvɛtmɑ̃a tracksuit
un manteauæ̃ mɑ̃toa coat
une vesteyn vɛsta jacket
un costumeæ̃ kɔstyma suit
des chaussettesde ʃosɛtsocks
des chaussuresde ʃosyʁshoes
un collantæ̃ kɔlɑ̃a pair of tights, pantyhose (US)
un chapeauæ̃ ʃapoa hat
une cravateyn kʁavata tie
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1. Is also written T-shirt in French.

Describing materials, style of clothes

Here are the French words for some common clothing materials. In general, either de or en can be used before the name of the material. (The choice here reflects the most common usage found on Google.)

de cotondə kɔtõcotton
en cuirɑ̃ kɥiʁleather
de daimdə dæ̃suede
de feutred~ fœtʁfelt
en laineɑ̃ lɛnwoollen
de nylondə nilõnylon
en polyesterɑ̃ pɔliɛstɛʁpolyester
en soieɑ̃ swasilk
de tissu synthétiquedə tisy sæ̃tetiksynthetic
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